Edición testing    27 de julio de 2024


Incarlopsa, empresa familiar de productos cárnicos porcinos, alcanzó un récord histórico en facturación en 2023 con 1.169 millones de euros y un beneficio neto de 21,2 millones. Impulsado por la sostenibilidad e innovación, ha invertido en eficiencia energética y expansión internacional, generando empleo y contribuyendo al desarrollo rural.

Incarlopsa, a Spanish family-owned company dedicated to the production and processing of high-quality pork products, has joined "El Sentido de la carne", an initiative that promotes the gastronomic and cultural value of meat consumption within a balanced diet. The project has nearly 100 participating companies and organizations aiming to highlight the benefits of consuming meat in moderation. Incarlopsa is proud to promote national meat production and healthy eating habits through this campaign. Starting in May, the campaign's messages and image will be displayed in various retail locations and on company packaging, brochures, and social media.