Edición testing    27 de julio de 2024

CCOO Cuenca

CCOO Cuenca rejects the statements made by the president of the provincial employers' association, David Peña, regarding the "judicial paralysis" of the new CEOE-CEPYME headquarters. They argue that the statements lack rigor and are falsely victimizing. CCOO has taken legal action against the agreement to grant CEOE-CEPYME ownership of 50% of an unfinished building in Cuenca, arguing that it was a unilateral decision that disrupts the balance between social agents. They believe it is an illegitimate gift from the municipality to a private organization, favoring the employer's association over public services for the city. CCOO does not question CEOE-CEPYME's right to a new headquarters but demands equal treatment as other social agents in the province.

El Ayuntamiento de Cuenca rechazó la petición de las patronales del comercio de abrir los establecimientos el sábado 1 de junio, festividad local. Los sindicatos CCOO-Servicios y CCOO-Cuenca celebran esta decisión, que permite a los trabajadores disfrutar de tres días libres consecutivos. Sin embargo, preocupa la postura de los grupos municipales Vox y Cuenca nos Une, que apoyaron la apertura por problemas de abastecimiento y falta de costumbre de los clientes.
